Action plan for committee of scientific Research1440-41
The progress in scientific research is the mirror of the
educational institution’s development. Our need for studies and research
increases day after day, as the world is in a frantic race to obtain the
largest possible amount of accurate knowledge derived from the sciences that
guarantee the comfort and well-being of the human being and guarantee him
superiority over others. The primary function of scientific research is to
advance knowledge for the sake of man, his security and his well-being
Scientific research, with its methods and procedures, is necessary
in any field of knowledge. Familiarity with the various scientific research
methods and the rules to be followed, starting from defining the problem of
scientific research and describing it procedurally, through choosing a specific
methodology for collecting data related to it and ending with analyzing data
and drawing conclusions, are important matters in all theoretical and applied
The methodology of scientific research and the methods of carrying
it out have become a reality in academic institutions and research centers, in
addition to the widespread use of them in addressing problems facing public and
private institutions alike. And in application of the scientific research
methodology, we have prepared this plan for the academic year 1440-1441 to
raise the performance of scientific research for students and faculty members
of the college.
/Action plan for committee of scientific Research1440-41.docx